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  Prizes for regular season statistics: IV.30 (Poland)

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League game
3.3.2025 18:00


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Goal scoring leaders

Rank Team Player G Prize money
1 Poland Team noname 108283 ? Tomasz Irga 40 246,388
2 Poland KudiTeam† ? Sylwester Gierszon 34 221,749
3 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Aleksander Głowacki 34 197,110
4 Poland Frakcja Zaakaty† ? Władysław Ćwirko 34 172,472
5 Poland Team noname 108283 ? Gabriel Zarych 34 147,833
6 Poland Team noname 106719 ? Rafał Bagniuk 33 123,194
7 Poland Polish Team† ? Szymon Zawadzki 32 98,555
8 Poland LKS LEGIA PUŁTUSK† ? Wojciech Kardasiewicz 32 73,916
9 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Milan Švimberský 31 49,278
10 Poland Team noname 108016 ? Dominik Cencura 31 24,639

Tie breaking procedure: fewer games played, more points, more shots on goal, better plus/minus rating

Scoring leaders

Rank Team Player TP Prize money
1 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Milan Švimberský 85 246,388
2 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Kamil Baltyn 82 221,749
3 Poland Team noname 106714 ? Albert Drelich 81 197,110
4 Poland Team noname 108283 ? Tomasz Irga 80 172,472
5 Poland KudiTeam† ? Krzysztof Zduńczyk 79 147,833
6 Poland KudiTeam† ? Sylwester Gierszon 77 123,194
7 Poland Team noname 108016 ? Wacław Jarzębowski 77 98,555
8 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Aleksander Głowacki 75 73,916
9 Poland Polish Team† ? Zygmunt Pryk 74 49,278
10 Poland Frakcja Zaakaty† ? Władysław Ćwirko 73 24,639

Tie breaking procedure: more goals, fewer games played, more shots on goal, better plus/minus rating

Save percentage leaders

Rank Team Player Sv% Prize money
1 Poland Team noname 105034 ? Sylwester Rybarz 76.14% 246,388
2 Poland Team noname 106706 ? Bogdan Biernacki 74.90% 221,749
3 Poland Team noname 106719 ? Robert Bronicz 74.62% 197,110
4 Poland Beniamin FC† ? Szymon Ciachura 74.53% 172,472
5 Poland Beniamin FC† ? Konrad Zajączkowski 73.96% 147,833

Goalies must meet the minimum number of minutes played requirement (one third from the total number of minutes).
Tie breaking procedure: more minutes played, fewer goals against

Top scoring defensemen

Rank Team Player TP Prize money
1 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Vinicius Serponte 62 246,388
2 Poland Team noname 106714 ? Franciszek Chwalisz 55 221,749
3 Poland Frakcja Zaakaty† ? Mirosław Dejneka 53 197,110
4 Poland MaterhPanc† ? Leopold Sawic 51 172,472
5 Poland warta sieradz36† ? Bartosz Dudak 49 147,833
6 Poland Team noname 105489 ? Bartosz Ceniuk 47 123,194
7 Poland Team noname 108283 ? Przemysław Babisz 47 98,555
8 Poland Team noname 108283 ? Julian Czerniej 47 73,916
9 Poland Team noname 106714 ? Marek Szumski 46 49,278
10 Poland Beniamin FC† ? Lucjan Deląg 46 24,639

Tie breaking procedure: more goals, fewer games played, more shots on goal, better plus/minus rating